Making money is great: it’s fundamentally what we do. But using money to improve lives through property? That’s motivating.

After seven years in the property industry, creating wealth for ourselves and our investors, we wanted our work to drive change and create impact. And doing that collectively, working with funds from private investors, too, the impact just increases.  

Read more about our work below.

Primarily, our investment options offer security, confidence, mitigated risk and transparency. But financial investing can coexist with social impact investing. 

We believe that everyone deserves to live in a safe, secure home. Do you?

That’s why SureStay Group exists, offering investors a route to impact investing as one component of your investment portfolios. 

Our unique positioning

We get families out of hostels, b&b rooms and hotel rooms, which often cost the government £1,000s per family per month, and into their own, permanent homes. 

SureStay Group buys blocks of flats in specific cities across the Midlands and renovates them to above-average standards. We then rent them out to families on affordable rents. By becoming the landlord, we control the quality of our product, offering superior homes families can be proud of.

Our properties are funded by a combination of corporate lending, personal funds and private investors. Everyone wins:

  • Investors: fund the creation of cash-flowing assets that generate equity and returns.

  • Tenants: no longer have to accept ‘slum landlords’.

  • Councils: reduce spend and have a reliable, trusted source of sound properties to offer to their residents.

It pays to be affordable.

We are Mark Burrows and Jessica Leader,

finance-first property developers who create property-backed investment opportunities that make money while creating impact.

Through SureStay Group, our skills combined create more growth, more quickly.


I create award-worthy homes for professional tenants in high population areas across the West Midlands. I am driven by the belief that everyone deserves to live in a home in which they can flourish, having stability, a sanctuary and a place in which to thrive. 

With many £millions’ worth of projects managed in my previous corporate career, a personal portfolio worth over £2 million and having managed £1 million of private investment within my own property business, I bring 20 years’ experience in finance management, project management, and client and investor relations. 

Mark giving his tenant Edna her keys in December 2023


My own property portfolio spans both residential and commercial property. I have strong council relationships through which I have housed 45 families in the West Midlands. 

I run one of the most prominent property networking groups in the West Midlands, Midlands Investor Network

Before building my portfolio, I built a £multi-million business helping homes to run more efficiently. 

“I rehouse families because they deserve somewhere to live.”

We have never believed that those who need the most nurturing should get the least.

With 15 years’ combined industry experience, we can now bring a financially attractive opportunity to investors who want solid returns as well as the knowledge their finances are solving a social issue.

Accredited by:

Our values drive our approach and all our decision making.

  • At the heart of our criteria is what’s best for our families, investors and partners. We are clear, honest and open about our goals, expectations and commitments to all, doing what we say we’re going to do and working with those who do the same.  

  • We hold tenant wellbeing highly. We choose locations that offer tenants cultural similarities, are connected and properties where our tenants can enjoy a sense of community.

  • Our shared mission will prevail through the best of our partners’ specialist knowledge and skill combined, for the long-term.   

  • We are finance-first in our analysis to ensure SureStay Group is sustainable and we work with private lenders to share wealth amongst our network. Our superior product is, by definition, ‘success’ for councils, tenants, investors and ourselves alike.